quadrat|quadrats in English


[quad·rat || 'kwɑdrət /'kwɒd-]

block of type with less height than other letters and used to create a space between words or letters (Printing); area of land that is marked off for the study of flora and fauna

Use "quadrat|quadrats" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quadrat|quadrats" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quadrat|quadrats", or refer to the context using the word "quadrat|quadrats" in the English Dictionary.

1. A purchase price at the lower end of the conservative valuation of R-Quadrat was ultimately agreed upon.

2. The quadrats of Anaretical Venus speak of an interest exaggerated for everything that means advantages relational, in a slightly abusive and unprincipal way

3. Fulgens were recorded in each quadrat, as was the shell diameter of dead and live individuals (classified as "active" or " Aestivating ")

4. Tres Arestes AB, BC i CA, cadascuna entre dos vèrtexs d'un triangle.: Un polígon està envoltat per Arestes; aquest quadrat té 4 Arestes.: Tota aresta forma part de dues cares en un políedre, com en aquest cub.: Tota aresta forma part de tres o més cares en …